Moving schools

Apply to move schools

If you're moving in to Leeds or want to change schools in Leeds, you need to complete an application form.

How to apply

To find out which schools your child could get a place at and apply, you should follow these steps.

  1. Find out which schools have places

    Check our vacancies lists to see which schools have available places.  

    Primary schools with vacancies  

    Secondary schools with vacancies  

    You will need to contact the school to confirm that the place is still available.

    Compare schools on GOV.UK

    Use this search tool to compare primary and secondary schools. This search tool allows you to:

    Find and compare schools on GOV.UK External link
  2. Make sure you use the right address

    You must use your child's permanent address when applying. We may ask you to send us proof of address.

    It is a crime to use a false address in your application. We do checks and if an application is found to be fraudulent or misleading, we will withdraw the offer of a place, even if a child has started at a school.  

    Examples of a false address

    Your address will be considered false if you: 

    • pretend to live with a relative
    • rent a property close to a popular school but live somewhere else
    • rent a property close to a popular school when applying and move back home after your child starts at school.

    Moving home

    If you're moving into or within Leeds, you'll need to send us evidence that you've moved.

    Parents who do not live together

    You should use the address of the parent your child lives with most of the time. We cannot resolve disputes between parents about in-year school place applications, only a family court can do this.

    If you live outside the UK and are planning to move to Leeds soon, you can apply for a Leeds school place. We will need to use your international address until your child has arrived in Leeds.

    Find out more on school admissions for children who live overseas External link

    As soon as you arrive in Leeds you need to send us proof that you have moved. You should send us:  

    • house ownership documents or tenancy agreement
    • a travel ticket (for example a flight boarding card) showing your child is in Leeds

    Please send evidence of your role to and we can allocate a place for your child before you move to Leeds.

    We accept posting orders with quartering or unit addresses as proof that you are moving.

  3. Check if you live in a school's catchment area

    Many schools give priority to children who live within their catchment or priority area.

    Living in a school's catchment area does not guarantee your child a place at the school, it places your child's application higher up the list of applicants. 

    Check your catchment area
  4. Check what chance your child has of getting a place

    Each school has its own set of rules that they use to decide which children to offer a place to. This is called their admissions policy.

    You should read the admissions policy for each of the schools you want to apply for to check what chance your child has of getting a place.

    Check school admissions information
  5. Apply online

    If you want your child to transfer from one school to another, you will need to apply online. 

    For places at UTC Leeds, you need to make a separate application directly to the school external link


    We’ll send your application to your preferred schools in Leeds. Each school will then contact you with their decision about offering a place. Our online application portal will not show these updates.

    If a school does not give you their decision within 10 school days, you should contact them. Schools must tell you within 15 school days.  

    If a school does not offer your child a place, they will write to you explaining the reasons why and how to make an appeal. 

    Your child will automatically be added to the waiting lists for your preferred schools until the end of the school year. 

    Our online portal closes for 2023/24 applications on Sunday 14 July. All waiting lists will be cleared on 24 July. A new application must be made if you want your child to be on a waiting list in September. Our online portal opens on 24 July to submit in-year applications 2024/25 school year. 

    Apply to move schools

    You may need to submit extra information to support your application for some schools. Check each school's admission policy external link

Use this form to give us your comments. Do not use it to give us personal information - please contact us if you need to get in touch.