Bespoke business premises designed to the highest specification, ideal for modern manufacturing, related supply chains, distribution and logistics companies, default.aspxBespoke business premises designed to the highest specification, ideal for modern manufacturing, related supply chains, distribution and logistics companies
Located at the heart of the Leeds City Region, with an economy worth over £50 billion, a population of 3 million and a workforce of 1.5 million, Sites.aspxLocated at the heart of the Leeds City Region, with an economy worth over £50 billion, a population of 3 million and a workforce of 1.5 million
An unrivalled opportunity for business relocation, expansion and consolidation, driving investment, growth and job creation across the Leeds City Region, Benefits.aspxAn unrivalled opportunity for business relocation, expansion and consolidation, driving investment, growth and job creation across the Leeds City Region
142 hectares of prime development land, just minutes from Leeds city centre and with direct access to the national motorway network, Location.aspx142 hectares of prime development land, just minutes from Leeds city centre and with direct access to the national motorway network



The Leeds Enterprise Zone is one of the UK's most strategic locations for new employment floorspace. Located at the heart of the motorway network at J45 of the M1 yet only minutes from Leeds City Centre, the EZ includes 142 hectares of prime development land capable of delivering in excess of 4.3 million sq ft of new employment floorspace.

Leeds Enterprise Zone has already established itself as a proven location for manufacturing, logistics and distribution with John Lewis, Amazon, FedEx, Perspex Distribution, Mercado, Roberts Mart, Symingtons, Watershed Packaging, Samuel Grants, Orion UK, Floorstore, and Predator Nutrition already establishing themselves in the area.



Location<img alt="delivery icon" src="/leedsenterprisezone/PublishingImages/icons/icon-delivery.png" style="border-width:0px;" /> <h2 class="content">LOCATION<br></h2><p>Situated at the heart of the Leeds City Region, just minutes from the centre of Leeds and the national motorway network…</p> <a class="btn btn-primary" href="/_layouts/15/FIXUPREDIRECT.ASPX?WebId=a4f91c77-f0f0-41ca-9ebc-1dd31b145d4a&TermSetId=ebf19098-fd09-4aba-992c-3f62b8706a60&TermId=25c44ea7-d8b7-4db2-8ab8-293c2d6f9015">Find out more</a><br><br>col-md-3 red
Benefits<img alt="benefits" src="/leedsenterprisezone/PublishingImages/icons/icon-benefits.png" style="border-width:0px;" /> <h2 class="content">BENEFITS<br></h2><p>Enhanced capital allowances, Simplified planning and a tailored package of recruitment and business support to stimulate investment...</p> <a class="btn btn-primary" href="/_layouts/15/FIXUPREDIRECT.ASPX?WebId=a4f91c77-f0f0-41ca-9ebc-1dd31b145d4a&TermSetId=ebf19098-fd09-4aba-992c-3f62b8706a60&TermId=754e1a6f-10a6-4c03-b264-05cfd8fd8a07">Find out more</a><br>col-md-3 orange
Sites<img src="/leedsenterprisezone/PublishingImages/icons/icon-sites.png" alt="sites icon" style="border-width:0px;" /> <h2 class="content">SITES</h2><p>142 hectares of prime development land situated along the route of the East Leeds Link Road with planning consents already in place…<br></p> <a href="/_layouts/15/FIXUPREDIRECT.ASPX?WebId=a4f91c77-f0f0-41ca-9ebc-1dd31b145d4a&TermSetId=ebf19098-fd09-4aba-992c-3f62b8706a60&TermId=12e22d70-a4f8-4ce0-9947-0d8af0b0d91a" class="btn btn-primary">Find out more</a> <br>col-md-3 purple
Delivery<img src="/leedsenterprisezone/PublishingImages/icons/icon-delivery.png" alt="delivery icon" style="border-width:0px;" /> <h2 class="content">DELIVERY<br></h2><p>An experienced team of landowners and developers is working alongside Leeds City Council to deliver the enterprise zone…</p> <a href="/_layouts/15/FIXUPREDIRECT.ASPX?WebId=a4f91c77-f0f0-41ca-9ebc-1dd31b145d4a&TermSetId=ebf19098-fd09-4aba-992c-3f62b8706a60&TermId=66968fc0-f8d7-4364-a197-267808beef90" class="btn btn-primary">Find out more</a> <br>col-md-3 teal



Wilton, Wilton
Muse Developments, Muse Developments
LEP Network, LEP Network
Harworth Estates, Harworth Estates
Evans Property Group, Evans Property Group
Enterprise Zones, Enterprise Zones
Leeds City Council, Leeds city council
Leeds City Region LEP, Leeds City Region LEP