| 125 | | Bramhope Primary School | Tredgold Crescent, Bramhope, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS16 9BR | https://goo.gl/maps/xzUQRzK9egLHWct67 | https://www.bramhopeprimary.co.uk | admin@bramhopeprimaryschool.co.uk | 0113 267 1222 | Rachel Colbourn | 395 | Primary | 4 to 11 | Academy converter | Not applicable | Not applicable | FEEE offered at privately run nursery on school site, private out of school club | North West | September 2025 to July 2026 | 60 | <p>1a. Looked after and previously looked after children (evidence required).</p><p>1b. Pupils without an EHC plan but who have Special Educational Needs, or exceptional medical or mobility needs, that can only be met at Bramhope Primary School (conditions apply and evidence required)</p><p>2. Children with older brothers or sisters who will be attending Bramhope Primary School at the start of the 2025/26 academic year and are living at the same address (conditions apply).</p><p>3. Applicants who live in the defined catchment priority area for the school. The map showing the defined catchment priority area for Bramhope Primary School is shown at the end of the admissions policy in Appendix 1. </p><p>4. All other applicants </p> | View policy on school's website | | <p>Offer day 2024</p> <p>Priority 2 - Sibling: 23</p> <p>Priority 3 - In-Catchment: 32</p> <p>Priority 4 - Distance: 5</p>
| 1.814 | 4 | Any Other Children | 1.137 | 4 | Any Other Children | 1.351 | 4 | Any Other Children | 64 | 31 | 19 | 10 | 13 | 137 | Yes | No | No | Yes | Yes | No |