Changes to the admission arrangements for Allerton High School and Carr Manor Community School

Proposed changes

The issue

Some children who applied for a Year 7 place at Allerton High School and live in the catchment area, were not offered a place for September 2020.                             

Some children who live in the north of the school’s catchment area did not get a place at any of their preference schools. This is because they lived too far away from all other schools. Children who live in the south of the catchment area live close to a number of other schools.                             

In 2021, more children living in Allerton High School's catchment area are due to start Year 7 than in 2020. If changes are not made to the admission arrangements, more children will not get a place at any of the schools they preference.                             

The solution

To help solve the issues above, we proposed changes to the admission arrangements for Year 7 places in September 2021 for two schools. Changes include:                             

  • creating 2 priority zones within Allerton High School's existing catchment priority area
  • extending Carr Manor Community School’s catchment area to give additional (dual) priority to some children who live in the south of Allerton High School's catchment priority area

This will give families who list five local school preferences a better chance of securing a place at a local school.                             

View the proposed admissions policy

The proposed changes would mean that places were allocated in order of:

  1. Looked after or previously looked after children.
  2. Children with exceptional needs that can only be met at the specific school.
  3. Children who have siblings who go to this school.
  4. Children living in the schools catchment area, including a) children in zone one and b) children in zone two
  5. Children who live outside the catchment area.

Approved changes

The School Adjudicator has approved a change to the September 2021 admission policy for Allerton High School.

This change divides the school’s catchment area into two zones and means that places at the school will be allocated in the following order:

  1. Looked after or previously looked after children
  2. Children who were adopted from state care outside of England
  3. Children with exceptional needs that can only be met at the specific school
  4. Children who have siblings who go to this school
  5. Children living in the school’s catchment area in zone one
    View the two zones on a map
  6. Children living in the school’s catchment area in zone two
    View the two zones on a map
  7. Children who live outside the catchment area

Applications that meet any of the above criteria will be ranked by straight line distance from the school. Those living closer to the school will be admitted first.

Read the School Adjudicator decision on GOV.UK.

You can also read Allerton High School's amended admission policy for 2021.

Carr Manor Community School's catchment area has not changed. Read the school’s policy for 2021.