In Leeds we have an ambition to increase opportunities for people to be actively involved in their own care and to self-manage their long term health conditions.

This ambition forms a key part of Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

We are working in partnership across systems and organisations to achieve this ambition with a broad range of programmes in place and in development across Leeds.

COPD management

In relation to COPD specifically, we have listened to what is important to people that live with this condition and as a result have funded the British Lung Foundation to establish 5 Breathe Easy peer support and exercise groups in Leeds. These groups provide increased access to support for people with COPD enabling them to develop new skills and networks which will enhance their skills and confidence to self-manage their condition and improve quality of life.

This is really exciting but we want to go further and provide more choices and ways for people to manage their COPD. Leeds is a digitally innovative city and as such is active in exploring and rolling out digital solutions to support people to manage their conditions in addition to options such as peer support and structured education.

In line with our digitally innovative approaches, Public Health in Leeds is leading an exciting new programme, specifically for people with a diagnosis of severe COPD to self-manage their condition using a digital solution called MyCOPD.

Introduction to MyCOPD

MyCOPD is an evidence based digital solution designed to support people to self-manage their COPD.

It can be accessed online via home computers, laptops tablets and smartphones and has a wide range of uses from supporting people to perfect their inhaler technique, improve breathing, reduce exacerbations, track medication usage and more. MyCOPD gives people access to a range of self-care tools and educational resources.

Benefits of MyCOPD

The benefits of MyCOPD to the user are far-reaching, including:

  • supporting people to manage their COPD independently and reduces reliance on GP and hospital appointments
  • improving symptoms
  • reducing breathlessness
  • improving quality of life
  • supporting people to take their inhaled medication correctly - MyCOPD has been shown to correct 98% of inhaler errors without any other clinical intervention
  • reducing risk of exacerbation
  • supporting people to achieve their COPD goals

Learn about the MyCOPD launch

Call to action

We are proud to say that NHS England have provided funding for a number of free MyCOPD licenses for people with a diagnosis of severe COPD in Leeds. If you are under the care of Leeds Community Healthcare for your COPD, speak to your healthcare professional to see if you meet the criteria for a free registration.

If you are a member of a local Leeds Breathe Easy group you can speak to your group leader to see whether you are eligible to access MYCOPD for free and how to go about this. If you do not fit this criteria you can still access the app with an associated cost through the my mhealth website.

Breathe Easy

If you have a COPD diagnosis and are interested in attending a local Breathe Easy peer support or exercise group in Leeds, visit the British Lung Foundation website.

Further information

If you are an organisation or healthcare professional working either within or outside Leeds and would like to learn more about the MyCOPD programme in Leeds, please contact the Public Health Resource Centre:


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