Moor Allerton Hall Primary School

Proposal to change the age range of Moor Allerton Hall Primary School from 3-11 years to 4-11 years. If approved the change in age range would take effect from January 2025.

What our plans involve

Leeds City Council is consulting on a proposal to change the age range of Moor Allerton Hall Primary School from 3-11 years to 4-11 years and close the local authority maintained nursery provision. The nursery will temporarily close from September 2024 and if approved would permanently close from January 2025.

Why we are proposing this

Moor Allerton Hall Primary School currently has a nursery catering for 3 and 4-year-olds, with a sessional offer for parents during core school hours, term-time only.

There has been a decline in families taking up places at Moor Allerton Hall Primary School’s nursery. The staffing costs, alongside lower numbers in nursery are negatively impacting on the school’s budget.

The school has considered changing their nursery offer, however, cannot provide the flexible wrap-around care and all year-round nursery provision which some families are seeking.

There is a broad range of childcare available across the area that offer Funded Early Education (FEE) places, including school and private nurseries and childminders. We are confident that there will be sufficient childcare places for families in the area should the proposal to permanently close the school's nursery go ahead.

The before and after school clubs will continue to run for children on roll at Moor Allerton Hall Primary School from Reception to Year 6.

Moor Allerton Hall Primary School are exploring options for an outside provider to run flexible, all year round care from age 2. The timescales for this are not yet known.

Our decision

Following consultation, the Executive Board of Leeds City Council has approved the publication of a statutory notice in relation to the proposal.

Full statutory notice

Statutory proposals for a prescribed alteration

School and Local Authority details

School: Moor Allerton Hall Primary School, Lidgett Lane, Roundhay, Leeds, LS17 6QP.     

Local Authority: Leeds City Council, Director of Children and Families, PO Box 837, Sufficiency and Participation Team, Children and Families, Leeds, LS1 9PZ.     

Description of alteration

Leeds City Council is proposing to change the age range of Moor Allerton Hall Primary School from 3-11 years to 4-11 years and permanently close the local authority-maintained nursery with effect from 1 January 2025.     

Births across Leeds have been falling in recent years. This has contributed to a decline in families taking up places at Moor Allerton Hall Primary School’s nursery and has impacted on the financial sustainability of the school. A joint decision was made, by the governing body and local authority, to temporarily close the local authority-maintained nursery from September 2024 due to low demand. A final decision on the proposal to permanently close the local authority-maintained nursery will be made in November 2024. If approved, the school’s age range would change to 4-11 years and the local authority-maintained nursery would permanently close with effect from 1 January 2025.     

Evidence of demand

The birth rate in Leeds has declined significantly over the last few years and this has contributed to fewer families taking up places at Moor Allerton Hall Primary School’s nursery.     

A demographic review indicates a further decline in the birth rate, and it could be several years before any increases begin to have a positive impact on numbers of children accessing childcare.     

Numbers of children attending the school’s nursery have fallen over time. In summer 2024 there were 24.5 full time equivalent (FTE) children attending nursery, and only 5.5 FTE were due to attend in September 2024. Continuing to run the nursery with fewer than 19 FTE children would be financially unsustainable and would result in a deficit budget.     

Since the nursery has been temporarily closed, families have been able to secure alternative places for their children and neither the governors nor the local authority have been made aware of any families unable to secure appropriate childcare places.     

A review of the types of childcare available across the local area has shown that there is a broad range of childcare settings available that offer Funded Early Education (FEE) places, including school and private nurseries and childminders. These providers offer different types of childcare models such as 5 x morning sessions, 5 x afternoon sessions, 2.5 days, 5 full days for families eligible for 30 hours term time, and some that charge additional fees over and above the funded hours. This means that there is a flexible offer available for parents, whether they want to use their funded early education entitlement or pay for additional hours or wrap-around care.     

Effect on other educational institutions in the area

In the context of the declining birth rate, Leeds City Council does not anticipate that the closure of the school nursery would have a negative impact on other educational institutions in the area. There are currently sufficient childcare places available across other providers in the local area to meet local demand.     

Due to the decline in the birth rate in Leeds, it is anticipated that the numbers of 3- and 4-year-olds in the area will decrease in future years, and it is likely that there will be surplus childcare places as a result. This could give providers an opportunity to develop additional provision for babies and younger children in accordance with the Government’s plans to roll out early years’ entitlement for working parents of children from 9 months of age.     


The birth rate in Leeds has declined significantly over the last few years and this has contributed to fewer families taking up places at Moor Allerton Hall Primary School’s nursery.     

Prior to the temporary closure, the school nursery offer for 3- and 4-year-olds, was a sessional offer during core school hours, term-time only. There was a decline in families taking up this offer and the school were only expecting to have a handful of children in the nursery in September 2024. The staffing costs, alongside lower numbers in nursery, have been negatively impacting on the school’s budget and this is financially unsustainable. The school governors considered changing their nursery offer, however, the school cannot provide the flexible wrap-around care and all year-round nursery provision which some families are seeking.     

A review of the types of childcare available across the area has shown that there are several providers including school nurseries, childminders, pre-school and full day-care which would ensure there are sufficient Early Years places available locally for families should the proposal to change the age range of Moor Allerton Hall Primary School and close the local authority-maintained nursery be approved. Additionally, Moor Allerton Hall Primary School’s Governing Body have agreed for a private provider to run flexible, all year-round childcare from the school premises for children aged from 6 months starting in September 2024. Families have a variety of childcare and early education opportunities available in the local area.     

The proposal to change the age range of the school from 3-11 years to 4-11 years and permanently close the local authority-maintained nursery, if approved, would have a positive impact on the school’s financial planning.     

Implementation and any proposed stages for implementation

The proposal is to change the age range of Moor Allerton Hall Primary School, a local authority-maintained primary school, from 3-11 years to 4-11 years and permanently close the local authority-maintained nursery. Leeds City Council’s Executive Board will make a final decision on the proposal at its meeting in November 2024. If approved, the school’s age range would change to 4-11 years and the local authority-maintained nursery would permanently close with effect from 1 January 2025.     

Project costs

Changing the age range of Moor Allerton Hall Primary School would not require any capital investment.     

Support, objections and comments

Within four weeks of the date of publication of this proposal, i.e. by 5pm on 6 October 2024 any person may submit comments, support or objections on the proposal to PO Box 837, Sufficiency and Participation Team, Children and Families, Leeds, LS1 9PZ or email

Comments and objections

To comment on or object to the proposal email or write to: Sufficiency and Participation Team, Leeds City Council, PO Box 837, Leeds, LS1 9PZ.

Comments or objections should reach the Sufficiency and Participation Team by 5pm on 6 October 2024 to be counted.


Monday 13 May 2024Consultation opens
Tuesday 28 May 2024
Consultation closes
Wednesday 24 July 2024Earliest date a report on the consultation could go to our Executive Board
Monday 9 September 2024Statutory notice period opens
Sunday 6 October 2024Statutory notice period closes

If you have any questions about this proposal, contact us.

Contact us



PO Box 837, Sufficiency and Participation Team, Leeds City Council, Leeds, LS1 9PZ

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