Making a Public Liability Claim

How to make a claim

If you believe an accident or loss you have suffered is because of actions or negligence by Leeds City Council and you wish to claim compensation from us, please print either a:

Claim form

If you cannot use the form

You can also right-click and select 'save as', or on a mobile, long press, then select 'save as' or 'download link' to save the document.   

If you cannot use the form, email     


Highways claim form

If you cannot use the form

You can also right-click and select 'save as', or on a mobile, long press, then select 'save as' or 'download link' to save the document.

If you cannot use the form, email    


Send your claim form to us

Claim forms can be completed electronically or printed. Please return these via email to

Reporting a dangerous defect on road, pavement or verge

If your accident was a direct result of a dangerous defect in the road, pavement or verge then please report an issue with a road or pavement online.

If you feel that the defect needs immediate attention to prevent another very serious accident, please report it to the our helpline on 0113 222 4407 so we can carry out a repair to prevent any further incidents.

How claims are assessed

All claims are assessed individually and fairly and where our highways services are to blame we will seek to settle the claim as quickly as possible. Please note, however, that we have a responsibility to council tax payers to ensure all claims received are legitimate.

We and our insurers have an anti-fraud system in place to assist us in detecting and taking appropriate action against fraudulent claimants. This system gives us and our insurers the right to use and share with outside agencies and neighbouring authorities the information you have provided.

There is no automatic right to compensation. Before any compensation claim can be made it will be necessary for you to demonstrate there has been a breach in Section 41 of the Highways Act 1980 on the part of the highways services and you have suffered an injury or loss.​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Use this form to give us your comments. Do not use it to give us personal information - please contact us if you need to get in touch.