Child Friendly Leeds

One minute guide: Front door safeguarding hub

What is the front door

The front door is term we use in Leeds when talking about our arrangements where partners are co-located and work in partnership to safeguard children and young people.

What partners are co-located at the front door

Duty and Advice Team

Take all contacts for Children’s Social Work Service to safeguard children and determine the right support for the child, young person and family.

Families First Leeds

An initiative funded through the Government’s national Troubled Families programme. Its aim is to help families with a number of complex problems by working with them to help turn their lives around, improving outcomes for the whole family and thereby reducing the need for more intensive and costly interventions.

MARAC/Domestic Violence Team

Sometimes referred to as the Front Door Safeguarding Hub provide a daily, co-ordinated and consistent response to domestic violence cases. Key features of these arrangements include: improved information sharing; tasking and accountability through the Daily Domestic Violence Meeting. This arrangement now also incorporates Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (often referred to as MARACs).

The Police

The Police have a team of operational Police officers and Police staff based at the Front Door who: facilitate the police work for the MARAC/Daily Domestic Violence Meeting; Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme (Clare’s Law) process; and triage and manage Child Protection and Vulnerable Adult referrals from practitioners, where significant risk of harm has been identified.


They have a small team of practitioners who work closely in partnership with the Daily MARAC/Domestic Violence Team and Duty and Advice Team in relation to safeguarding.

Want to know more and key contacts

If you want to more about the Front Door Safeguarding Hub you can contact the Service Delivery Manager and Duty and Advice Team on 0113 3760336.

There are also other One Minute Guides to read including: Duty and Advice; Children’s Emergency Duty Team; Families First; Daily Domestic Violence Meeting; Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme; and Domestic Violence School Notifications—amongst many others.

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